About the Style Driver Palmetto Girls
Tournament of Champions
We here at PlayGolfMyrtleBeach.com Events have teamed up with Style Driver to offer the Style Driver Palmetto Girls High School Tournament of Champions.
A 36-hole tournament featuring the championship teams of the Carolina’s! Hosted by True Blue on September 14-15, 2024. The best 12 teams + 12 individuals will be invited to play for no entry fee to the schools/individuals in this invite-only event, thanks to Style Driver!
Congrats to the 2023 Team Champion Durham Academy, as well as their own Jenna Kim who earned Individual Champion honors!

Event Details
The 2nd Annual Style Driver Palmetto Girls High School Tournament of Champions will be held September 14-15, 2024 and is made up of an invite only field of championship teams/players throughout the Carolinas (12 teams + 12 individuals). All participants will play two rounds at True Blue Golf Club in Pawley’s Island, SC.
- Saturday, September 14
- Tournament check-in prior to start of play, True Blue Golf Club
- PM tee times, True Blue Golf Club
- Lunch served at clubhouse
- Sunday, September 15
- AM tee times, True Blue Golf Club
- Lunch served at clubhouse
- Awards ceremony held on the 18th green following conclusion of play
The tournament is an invite-only event made up of 12 teams + 12 individuals. Teams earn invitations by winning their state championship. 12 individuals NOT already on one of these state championship winning teams are then invited to participate in the event as well.
Thanks to the title sponsor Style Driver, the event is completely free of charge for all participants!
The tournament will be conducted as a 36-hole team stroke play championship. Teams will consist of five (5) players, using the low four (4) scores to determine the team total. A simultaneous individual stroke play event will be conducted for all participants as well.
Once all starting five (5) players begin tournament play, no substitutions are permitted. All rules of golf will be followed per the SCHSL and USGA guidelines.
Pairings will be randomized for Round 1, then reset for Round 2.
Lodging plans are to be made on your own. However, as a thank you for your participation in the tournament, condos at True Blue will offer our entrants discounted rates to their accommodations during the tournament. More details on booking will be coming soon!